Next Steps

We believe that everyone has a Next Step

Discover your Next Step on the Journey

Welcome to our Next Steps page! At Upward, we believe that life is a journey, and each step we take brings us closer to where Christ wants us to be. Just as every journey has its milestones, we recognize that growing in our faith and involvement in our church community requires intentional steps. Whether you're taking your first steps in faith or seeking deeper connections within our church family, we're here to guide and support you along the way.

Explore the opportunities below to discover how you can take your next steps with us. From joining a connect group to serving in a ministry, there's a place for you to grow, connect, and make a difference. Together, let's continue this journey of faith, taking each step with purpose and joy.

Ready to take your next step? Let's embark on this journey together!

Every Christian's fist step is saying Yes to a life with Christ.

The foundational journey of every believer begins with a single, life-changing step: accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It's the moment when our hearts align with His purpose, and our lives are forever transformed by His love and grace.

If you're considering this step, there's no better time than today to make this decision. Whether you're seeking forgiveness, purpose, or a fresh start, Jesus stands ready to welcome you with open arms. His invitation is for everyone, regardless of past mistakes or current circumstances.

Click the card below for a detailed explanation of what it means to become a Christian and how you can take this monumental step in your faith journey. Let today be the beginning of a beautiful and fulfilling relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ready to take this step? Click below to learn more:

What is Baptism and why should you do it?

Congratulations on taking the first step of faith! Now, let's dive deeper into the beautiful symbol of baptism.

Baptism is more than just a ritual—it's a profound expression of our faith journey. Rooted in biblical tradition, it symbolizes the inward transformation that occurs when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Just as Jesus died and rose again, baptism signifies our old self being buried with Him and our new life emerging in Him.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus himself was baptized by John the Baptist as an example for all believers. It's a public declaration of our commitment to follow Christ and a powerful testimony of His redeeming work in our lives.

At Upward Christian Fellowship, we cherish the opportunity to celebrate this significant step with you. Whether you're an adult making a decision to be baptized or a parent whose child has recently accepted Jesus, it's a moment of profound significance.

Ready to take the next step in your faith journey through baptism? Click the card below to sign up yourself or your children. Let's continue this journey of faith together, proclaiming the transformative power of Christ in our lives.

Having the most connected and fulfilling church experience begins at Upward by embarking on the Upward Journey.

Congratulations on taking steps to deepen your faith journey! Now, let's explore what it means to have a vibrant and meaningful connection within Upward Christian Fellowship through the Upward Journey.

Did you know that the Bible emphasizes the importance of believers being involved in the local church? In Hebrews 10:24-25, we're encouraged to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." This underscores the significance of community and active participation in the life of the church.

At Upward, we believe that your church experience can be truly transformative when you invest yourself in it. Just like any relationship, you get out of it what you put into it. That's why we invite you to embark on the Upward Journey—a course designed to help you discover more about yourself, your spiritual gifts, our church's beliefs, and how you can best plug into our community through things like connect groups and serving opportunities.

If you desire a deeper connection within our church family and a more enriched church experience, the Upward Journey is for you. It's a pathway to growth, connection, and fulfillment in your faith journey.

Ready to take your involvement in Upward Christian Fellowship to the next level? Click the card below for a detailed explanation of the Upward Journey and sign up today. Let's journey together towards a deeper, more connected community rooted in Christ's love.

We are all on this journey together!

No matter where you are on your journey of faith, know that you are not alone. At Upward Christian Fellowship, we are a family walking this path together—supporting, encouraging, and loving one another along the way.

Whether you're a brand new Christian, taking your first steps in faith, or you've been a believer your whole life, we all share the same goal: to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our paths may differ, our stories may vary, but our destination remains the same.

If you're feeling uncertain, know that it's okay. We've all been there. And if you're feeling confident, we celebrate with you. Wherever you find yourself, whatever step you're taking, please know that we're here for you. You are in our prayers as you navigate your journey, and we are here to walk alongside you, cheering you on every step of the way.

Together, let's continue to grow in faith, hope, and love. Let's continue to journey together towards a deeper relationship with God and a stronger bond with one another.

If you ever need someone to talk to, pray with, or simply share your journey, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for you, always.